The Catholic Church has many important feasts and celebrations throughout the liturgical year. Among the most important ones are Easter Sunday, the Feast of the Ascension, and Pentecost Sunday. Pentecost Sunday celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit over the entire Church. Pentecost Sunday is also referred to by many as “the birthday of the Church.”

St. Patrick Catholic Church takes special pride in celebrating Pentecost Sunday. We come together as a faith community on this day to celebrate our unity and acknowledge our diversity. We invite all our brothers and sisters to share part of their heritage with one another. We acknowledge our diversity by displaying the flags of the various countries represented by our faith community. We hold a special flag procession prior to our solemn celebration of the Holy Mass. We rejoice, we pray, and we sing together in celebrating each other and in praising and giving thanks to God for His goodness and the blessings He bestows on us.

Pentecost Celebration Ministry Contact Information: 

Carmelo and Elba Meletiche

Hiram Rodriguez

Parish Office, 813-839-5337